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About Therapy

The best predictor of a successful therapy experience is that you feel connected and comfortable with your therapist. Therefore, before beginning therapy, I offer a free, 15-minute phone consultation in which we can begin to discuss whether I am the best person to meet your needs. If it makes sense, we will schedule an initial intake session in which I can hear more about what brings you to therapy and we can begin to develop  a plan for moving forward.  

Therapy sessions are 55 minutes long and are tailored to meet your unique needs and personality. My approach draws on a number of techniques to ensure evidence-based treatment, including: interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and feminist therapies. Many of my clients also benefit from using mindfulness to work toward self-acceptance and taking charge of their thoughts and feelings.

Many people find relief and comfort in therapy, and I can almost guarantee that we will laugh together often. With that being said, you may not always leave sessions immediately feeling better than when you came in. That's because, like exercise or physical therapy, you will put in hard work. You may talk about some tough stuff or get challenged to look at things in a different, sometimes surprising, way. However, just like with any worthwhile commitment, the outcome is typically worth the momentary discomfort.


I strive to create a warm, trusting, and nonjudgmental environment for all people. Providing culturally sensitive care is extremely important to me. I take an affirming stance on all gender identities and sexual orientations and welcome people of all backgrounds. Feel free to discuss this more with me at any time.

Teens + Adults

Teens + Adults

thinking about therapy

Emotions are normal parts of being human. We all feel down, worried, asocial, or angry at times. But sometimes difficult thoughts, feelings, or behaviors make us feel like we are drowning in stress or wandering aimlessly through life. So, how do you figure out when it's time to consider therapy?

Some of the most common signals to contact a psychologist include:

  • not feeling like yourself

  • feeling "disconnected" or in a fog

  • others saying, "you don't seem like yourself"

  • having more arguments than usual

  • feeling unable to quiet worried thoughts

  • feeling uncomfortable in social situations

    • having trouble making friends

    • being unable to do your best at school or work

  • being bullied or feeling like you "don't fit in"

  • needing drugs or alcohol to relax

  • feeling consumed by thoughts of food or weight 

  • over-controlling what you eat

  • feeling out-of-control when you eat

  • feeling unable to control your moods

  • feeling unable to control your thoughts

    • overthinking past or upcoming situations

  • feeling "stuck" on a past experience

  • having thoughts of suicide or self-harm

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Parent Information

Information for Parents

Worrying about your child is painful and confusing. Therapy can be invaluable in providing parents peace of mind and teens space that is uniquely theirs, where they can talk freely with an objective and caring professional. If you are worried about your teen or think therapy may be helpful to them, feel free to email me at or give me a call at 570-391-0900.

Wondering about confidentiality? When I work with teens, I work hard to make sure they feel comfortable in my office and being honest with me. Most of the time, this means that I treat my teen clients like my adult clients and only involve parents to the extent that the teen asks for their parent to be involved (unless they are a serious risk to themselves or others). I do not keep secrets about my clients from my clients -- so I ask that parents only share information with me that they are comfortable with their teen knowing, too. I do not share my clients' personal stories with parents (therapy would not work if I did).

Wondering how therapy can help?  Therapy helps by giving your teen a place to talk freely and explore their thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses so they can come up with solutions to problems with the help of an objective professional. Therapy can help your teen learn emotional resilience and coping skills that can last a lifetime, and it can teach teens to look inward and reflect on their actions in order to grow and mature. I do not view therapy as a place where we will "change" or "fix" anyone.


Wondering when to consult a psychologist about your teenager? Here are some common signs that it may be helpful for your teen to talk to someone:

  • drastic changes in school or sport performance

  • withdrawing from friends or family

  • difficulty making friends

  • isolating more than usual

  • increased crying, angry outbursts, or fear

  • constant worries

  • confessions or signs of self-harm

  • excessive worry about appearance

  • avoiding mealtimes or hiding food

  • dreading school or social situations

Wondering how to bring therapy up to your teenager? Tips for talking to your teen about therapy:

  • Look for chances to have side-by-side conversations rather than full face to face conversations

    • Driving, taking a walk, throwing a ball back and forth- these are great times to talk about the harder stuff

    • Look for a window of opportunity when they seem open to talking

      • Try not to corner them or force the conversation​

  • Ask more questions rather than telling them what to do

    • "How are you feeling?"

    • "Do you think we should get some help with this?"

  • Validate their experience and feelings​

    • "That must have been really hard"​

  • Relate to them briefly if it feels important to, but keep the focus on them

    • AKA - take the microphone for a moment, but never the spotlight of the conversation​

    • "I struggled with anxiety in high school too and wish I got help; I think it will help you to see someone"​

  • Aim to do more listening than talking

  • Make it their decision as much as possible

    • Let them research several therapists and choose someone that feels like a good fit

    • If they want to, support them in calling/emailing a therapist rather than doing it for them

    • Let them know that they don't have to commit to more than one session at a time

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